2024 Vidalia Onion crop in January 2024 - before harvest

2024 Vidalia Onion Crop Update

A cold snap swept through the Vidalia region on Jan 21-22, and temps dropped to 21-degrees F. Thankfully, the sun rose at dawn and warmed the soil, and rose the temperatures above freezing those days. After inspection, the crop appears healthy as we head into February. Here's …Read More

Cover Crop Strategies

Aries Featured in Cover Crop Strategies Podcast

In this episode of the Cover Crop Strategies Podcast, brought to you by the National Strip-Tillage Conference, Aries Haygood of Vidalia, Ga., talks about his unconventional path into the world of agriculture and how he first started learning about cover crops. https://www.covercropstrategies.com/articles/2756-podcast-making-cover-crops-work-in-specialty-crops Read More